2003-12-03 : Oozy rat in a sanitary zoo

Futurama Season 4 DVDs arrived today, which led to an impromptu viewing here at the Goodwood Road Brühaus this evening, and all I can say is… DAMN! That show just gets better and better. A bit more sentimentality being displayed than usual, but the characters have really hit their rhythm now and the accuracy of their satire is just sublime.

In other news, I got some audition information today on a stage version of Men Behaving Badly for Fringe next year… Might be fun to try out ! I've never really done any theatre outside of Gang Show (unless you count helping out backstage at Mayfair), so it could be fun. And it's not like I wouldn't enjoy the role – I suppose though the only role I could really try out for would be Gary… of course, being that there are only 4 characters in the entire construct, two female, it sort of limits the roles you can try out for, doesn't it ?

I solved my first Java bug today too – couldn't install a .jar file because the JRE kept throwing a Fontwrapper error, and after some hunting I tracked it down and found out that it was due to a corrupt font in the Windows Fonts directory. Yay.

Oh my god. Turkey and Gravy flavoured soda. And this from the country with the most nukes in the world.

Having said that, I suppose I can't talk too loudly, in light of the Salisbury Special

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