2004-01-16 : The aftermath.

Thank god, it's OVER!

Today began the seemingly arduous process of packing down Humpy's Arcade(s) (and every other thing on the Jamboree site)… but suprisingly it all came off without a hitch ! Today we got all the machines out (along with about 2kg of dust per machine), and all the lighting/specials came out of both venues too. Tomorrow all we have to do is get the shelving and Scout Section stuff back into the rectangular shed, and get the fireplace back into the roundhouse!

I haven't taken a photo yet of the back of my car, but I think you could say with impunity that it needs a bit of a wash.

Oh yeah, I should also publicly acknowledge what an arseclown I am for posting essentially the same thing for 2 consecutive days on this site – I completely forgot yesterday that I'd already mentioned going for beers with Amie and Roie. That'd be the Alzheimer's kicking in again.

Now I think today's Friday, which means that tomorrow night I've got Sam's Buck's Night to go to (and I've got to say, a titty bar is going to make a welcome change of pace from 8000+ Scouts!), Sunday night we've got our Entertainment Team dinner, and then Monday I'm back to work ! Yay !!

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