2004-02-02 : Equestrian Bacon

Oh what a lovely time I had in Horsham !! :)

For lack of a better place to begin, I'll start at the start ! We drove over Friday night to Mt Arapiles (for those who don't know what that is – think “The Surfer's Paradise of Rockclimbing”), and stayed in the Arapiles Hilton – an impressive blue plastic tarpaulin construction by Spiro and Lachy.

The next day we headed out to… oh god knows where. Every foot or so of the mountain has a different name for that particluar climb. I'll be buggered if they can tell which is which, and I guess I'm taking their word for it that nobody's just making it up !! Patrick came out and found us and then I headed back in to the throbbing metropolis of Horsham to help the band set up. Yes, I'm an honorary roadie of Attack of the Clowns ! On the way back to the car we saw and echidna, and Pat proved once again that even with a shabby camera he can compose an excellent shot ! Scary how much my head resembles an echidna…

The gig was a bit of a winner – Attack of the Clowns is sounding great. Admittedly we missed the first set because we got distracted by the Guns'N'Roses Pinball game… and then missed some of the second set because we discovered the L-Shaped pool table…

But once we got our teeth into it, they rocked. Jules sang a few songs too and sounded wild (a little distracting that she still had her triathlon number written on her arm from earlier that day… I'll always think of you as “622” now Jules…). I think I made it back to the hotel room about 4:30am after scoring a bunch of free booze, and after hammering on Spiro's window to let me in cos the folks at the pub had locked the bottom door…

Next day we mosied back out to Arapiles for the guys to do some bouldering, stopping along the way for an absolutely wild breakfast courtesy of Jules ! We headed back to Adelaide late that afternoon with minimal indicent, save stopping for Dim Sims in Bordertown and being served by a guy with no neck.

Anyhow I've put some photo's in my photo gallery in case anyone's interested…

In itself, that's a fairly uninteresting narrative I suppose. What I thought was kinda of strange about the whole thing was one of the things that happened at the nightclub. The festivity at the pub the band were playing at was a joint 21st for 3 of the local lads. One of the things they'd organised was to have a Ralph model at the pub. It was so weird !? It must have cost them over $800, and all she did was wander around talking to people disinterestedly, and occasionally spreading words of wisdom over the band's PA system. I'm all for having cute chicks wandering around, but I can't fathom forking out that much for one. C'est la vie. The guys were happy, anyway.

Bugger. There was something else I was going to put here, and I was thinking about it all weekend… no idea now.

Ha ha, that happens.

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