2004-02-09 : Glad there’s only 37 hours in a day…

Yikes, what an incredible weekend. If anyone sees my liver, tell it I want it to come back.

Friday got of to a fairly non-auspicious start (and by “start”, I do of course mean the part of Friday that starts AFTER working hours…), when I received an email through my website from one of those Nigerian Scammers. I don't know how it all kind of happened – essentially the guy must have found my site somehow and actually submitted the message through the webform. Anyway, in case Mr Kingsley Manba of the Ivory Coast happens to visit me again, you're not welcome – I have contacted your email provider and requested that they revoke your account.

Anyway, Friday night Spiro came over and along with Mike's valuable assistance we demolished a few choice Martini's. Admittedly we had no olives, and so some would claim that we weren't realy drinking martinis. There again, there seem to be about 4000 different ways of making one – odd for a drink which is essentially just gin – so much so that the recommended way of getting rescued when lost in the desert or jungle is that you start mixing a martini, and within minutes someone is bound to show up and tell you that you're doing it wrong !!

Saturday, after a breakfast martini, I mosied along to my friend Sam's wedding. The difficult bit was that he didn't give me the address of the church, so I rolled up about 25 minutes late (after eventually finding the place), to see lots of people standing out the front fussing over a chick in a white dress, and confetti going everywhere. Upon seeking out the other people I knew who were there, it turned out I hadn't completely missed Sam's wedding, it was just that they'd booked 2 in that day and the first one was running late.

Anyway, it was a Greek wedding, so I had a bit of a cultural experience. The service was virtually sung by the priest, in a mixture of Greek and English with a thick Greek accent to the point where it might as well have been in Greek. The architecture/decoration in there was kind of cool though, and I think it was in the midst of looking around at all that that I noticed they were kissing and the ceremony had in fact taken place. So anyway, congratulations Sam and Filiz !!

Finally, that night was Julie's 21st. I love a good black tie party, although being about a million degrees that day kinda dampened the enthusiasm for dinner suits. Anyway, guess what – another cocktail party ! So it was martini's a-plenty for our gallant hero. Was great to see everybody, and especially good to catch up with Naomi, who I hadn't seen in AGES ! On the whole everybody was pretty well behaved. Moments of jocularity included Mark failing to observe correct blender operation procedure and dumping a load of booze over the garden, and a certain female's enthusiastic participation in the alcohol-related festivities followed by her conspicuous absence… although I promised I wouldn't name names. Ah yes, and I got a random phone call from Annie – you TOTALLY rock girl, and I really miss you ! Will see ya soon though !! Julie had a wicked time though, and everyone else seemed pretty cheery.

Well, I certainly was until I woke up the following day… Eeeeeeurgh, no Morris Dancing for me !! Rather a shabby effort on my part I'm afraid. I had to console myself with drinking about 800 litres of water, slowly doing a bunch of housework, and trying not to contemplate what it was I was cooking too deeply.

But yeah anyway, great time had by all. Except Mr. Liver.

(Incidentally, I know how much Scotty likes having his picture put on the internet without anyone telling him… hence I've put it in this post… tee hee. Other photos of Julie's party and Sam & Filiz's wedding are found here and here respectively.)

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