2004-03-29 : Another victory for the army of nerds!

I've finally finished tooling around with my email subscription system for this site !

I'll try to find a better place to link this in, but for now, if you want to receive my webpage updates by email instead of having to remember to visit every day, then you can opt to do so by signing up at my Subscriptions Page.

Needless to say, your email address won't be used for any other purpose, or sold to any nefarious folk, yadda yadda yadda, and when you *do* subscribe, a link will appear at the bottom of every email I send in order for you to be able to back out of the arrangement.

Some people go out at night – I think up things like this. If it wasn't for the fact I'm so windswept and interesting, I'd start to get worried about this tendency.

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