2004-10-11 : Business as usual

Here's one to appease those tired of reading long posts on my site.

Didn't do much this weekend – went down to HomeBase (a “hardware store”) to get some picture rail hooks, but they didn't have any. Decided to conduct a photographic essay on the number of Chicken Shops on Willesden High Road, but then after getting my camera out discovered there were only about 6. Not bad for a stretch of road only the length of Rundle Mall, or thereabouts. Not that there's any chicken shops on it.

The other thing is that after heading out the other day with Jules & Pat, I got a bit inquisitive about this Lapsang Souchong tea (can't be bothered finding a website to link to about it) – I didn't try any, but it smelt pretty good… so whilst at Somerfields, I decided to grab a box, and I've got to say – I'm hooked on the stuff !

Not sure why I've gotten so interested in tea lately – it could be because I've essentailly given up coffee as of last week (and only fallen asleep at work TWICE, thanks for asking !).

Anyway, although it sounds like a breed of dog, it displays some remarkable differences – both from “regular” tea, and from dogs. Firstly, it has a very smoky taste (and smell), and in fact this is what drew me to it in the first place. I guess the parallel I immediately drew was with a glass of Laphroaig. Yes, THAT smoky ! Secondly, unlike a dog, it has a particularly pleasant aroma once you add water. I was going to say HOT water, but let's face it – adding hot water to a dog isn't particularly pleasant OR clever.

Nothing much else to say at the minute really – I guess I could be all excited about going to Germany this weekend, IF I was actually definitely going… honestly, I don't get why everything's so damn complicated in this country – things like buying hardware, getting a plumber to fix your hot water, and actually getting paid for the last month's work seem far more difficult than they really need to be. But I didn't come here to complain. WAAHHHH! (Obscure Monty Python reference there… never mind.)

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