2005-01-22 : Was that a week ? I must be having fun !!

Just a quick post – having server trouble in Adelaide late last week and early this week so I couldn't get in to add any scintillating wit to this great compendium.

Am about to shoot through to Nottingham for the weekend with Richie and Hilary – no idea what there is to do there, but I'll report on that once I have some knowledge on the topic.

Was due to start kickboxing on Thurs, but had to bail because I cleverly strained my calf muscle again at Morris. Am going to have to give it a bit more resting opportunity I think.

Most of last weekend and this week was taken up by the househunting thing really. Happily, Charlie and I put a deposit down this afternoon for a place in Camden, and therefore the move's definitely on for Feb 12th. Assuming the agents don't have any particular problem with all the reference checking stuff.

Andres turned up at my place on Wednesday in his move down to the Big Smoke, and has spent the last couple of days digging about for some work.

Steve rang to say that he'll be about on Feb 13th after he finishes his contract working for The Mouse, so we've got our first houseguest arranged before even moving in.

Aside from that, bugger all really… just limping about, getting on with life.

Picked up some more A-Team coat hangers off eBay too – now I almost have the full set. Woooooo!

Oh yeah – I wasn't going to give anyone special mentions on this, because I've forgotten most of it now… but BIG BIG BIG BIG thanks to Lynn, whose Christmas present arrived – in the form of a value-pack of TIM TAMS ! Ohhhh yeah !

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