2005-03-09 : 13 sleeps to go !!

You've got to question the mentality of someone who buys an espresso machine and then a week later gives up coffee, don't you ?

And now, I'm gonna succumb to nerdly behaviour – because I don't really have anything else to report – and throw in this Music Meme:

Total amount of music files on your computer? About 3GB on the hard drive, and 20GB on my mp3 player which is sitting next to the computer.

The last cd you bought was… James Brown's “Gravity”, but only really for track 4 (Turn Me Loose, I'm Dr Feelgood).

What was the last song you listened to before reading this message? Money, on Dub Side Of The Moon.

What new music are you really excited for in the coming year so far? I'm afraid I don't get that excited about new music… How can you get excited about something *new* before it happens ? I'd be excited if Pink Floyd decided to tour, but that's hardly NEW, is it ?

According to the rules, I'm meant to pass it on to 3 people, so (fingers crossed that they actually *read* this) – I nominate Ange, BenW and McJimbo.

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