2005-03-17 : For your viewing pleasure.

Just a quick note to say that I finally got around to uploading a bunch of new photos to the gallery section: I don't think I've added much since about December, so there's plenty to look at.

There's pictures from the housewarming on the weekend just gone, which are a little misleading because they tend to indicate that there were only 5 or 6 people here – I can assure you that's not the case, and there was at least *double* that. Possibly even more. I don't know… my memory of the whole thing's a bit hazy.

There's some photos from a night where a bunch of us from work got a little waylaid at the pub across the road from work – I felt it artistically important not to rotate those photos to their correct orientation, as the way they are they give a better indication of how hammered we all were.

In the process of trawling my hard drive I discoverd a whole bunch of other photos that I haven't put up either, so there's more to come. How exciting. There's no fun on earth like resizing and renaming photos. Particularly when I don't remember who half of the people in them are. There was some groovy ones of our flat in there, should anyone be interested in knowing what our flat looks like when it's clean and tidy (i.e. about 2 hours before a party's about to start).

In closing, I *was* going to give Andres (aka Undies) – our resident couch dwelling Aussie – the chance to type up the story of how his day went as a sort of Guest Blog entry, however when he went to explain it to Charlie and Dan he seemed to have forgotten most of it.

Bedtime now. 'Night !!

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