2005-03-28 : Portions -o-fun in sunny old Adelaide !

Ahoy hoy ! Busy busy busy over here, that's the thing. I'm gonna need a week off when I get back to recover from my holiday ! First cab off the rank, as reported the other day, was to get my hands on that life giving elixir – Farmer's Union Iced Coffee.

Next, a trip in the the Falafel House for one of the best yiros (aka kebabs) under the sun. And boy, is it good to get a bit of sun… not that I'm trying to upset my Londonny mates by saying that, or anything.

The third leg in the golden triad is of course a pint of Pale Ale, as beautifully modelled in this shot by Marty and Spiro.

But that's not the main reason we're all here – I am happy to report that the wedding of Tim and Chelsea went off without a hitch ! No, that's not quite right – there was ONE hitch – i.e. the two of them got hitched.

The night before the wedding we got the groom's team together and camped out at the Radisson Playford – an excellent environment to be in, I'm sure the lads would all agree. We popped out to the famous House of Chow restaurant for a cracking Last Supper in Timbo's honour, including some lovely reds and a Peking Duck… then spent the evening visiting various places and meeting various people, and generally having an excellent night whilst trying not to make Tim too nervous about getting married the next day. I think I only mentioned it to him about 40 or 50 times, so I don't think his mind was really on it.

The wedding itself was beautiful – you couldn't have hoped for a better day. Our families had both turned out in force, the bridesmaids were surpassed in beauty only by the bride herself, and even us lads managed to scrub up OK I'm told (I guess you can be the judge of that).

The speeches went off well and were well received it seemed – I managed to make it through without giving away enough specific evidence to implicate anyone in anything… although I do recall seeing our uncle (a detective in the Major Crime Squad) raise his eyebrows a couple of times and shake his head. Ah well, it's all fun.

We finished off that afternoon at one of my favourite pubs of all time – The Wheatsheaf. What a great way to finish the day; milling about in the beer garden in the sun, enjoying the various fine ales they had to offer and chatting with a nice fun and happy bunch of people.

So in the final analysis, I'm happy to say it was a great day, and I was honoured to be a part of it. It's an exciting day when one's brother gets married, and it was one I'll remember for a long time.

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