2005-05-26 : With gravity as my co-pilot…

Before I get into this, I don't want any questions of “Why in the hell would you do such a stupid thing ?”, OK ? Doing stupid things has been a lifestyle choice of mine since the age of about 14.

A few weeks ago, one of my learned colleagues mooted an idea that a bunch of us take part in a charity abseil down a 450 foot high building in order to raise funds for Cancer Research UK. As it seemed like a worthy idea, I cleverly put my hand up and said I'd be in it.

Now, it's actually happening !

On July 10th, Emma, Paul, Kev and I will be abseiling down Guy's Hospital Tower, and I'm asking everyone if they can sponsor me – it's an extremely worthy cause, and we're all going to try to raise as much as we can. The response I've had since yesterday is nothing short of overwhelming, however that's no reason to stop!

The magic of the Internet has made donating even easier – if you pop along to www.justgiving.com/friskyvsgravity you can donate online via credit or debit card (according to the site it accepts Maestro, so even people in Australia can help out !) – every little bit counts!

Once again, an *ENORMOUS* thanks to all the people who have donated already; it's truly excellent to see people come out in support of such an important cause.

Rest assured, I've had a couple of offers/threats (depending how you look at it) of photographers being in attendance, so I'll happily post photographic evidence from the day up here – provided everyone's happy to look at pictures of my great backside descending from a vast height…

So please. Dig deep. It's much appreciated.

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