2005-07-03 : OHMIGOD

Quick update: just got home from Live8, and am extremely exhausted and about to go to bed, but I couldn't go on without sharing the fact that…


(It's not meant to be gloating – it's just good old fashioned excitement)

Granted, we were about a mile from the stage, but in this photo, you can clearly see Dave Gilmour on the projection screens, and if you look closely you can see a small blue/black dot in the middle of the stage holding a guitar…

Full report later, cos I'm going to bed now. But I'll be replaying Breathe, Money, Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb in my head for a few days hence.

Aside from that though it was an awesome concert, and a powerful statement to the world's leaders, and I – for one – hope that they take notice.

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