2005-08-05 : Here we finally are…

So tomorrow's the day for the big abseil ! I'm absolutely bricking it, although not entirely surprised that all my well-intentioned plans of getting some practise in before the event haven't led anywhere useful.

Happily, the forecast for tomorrow seems to be sunny.

At this stage, I'd like to say a public HOOOOOOOOOJ thankyou to everyone who's donated money – at this point we've raised a *staggering* £665.42, which I'm absolutely speechless about. Truth be told, I was skeptical that I'd get the minimum entry of £250 together. Guess we showed them, eh ? Incidentally, why are so many of you keen to see me drop off the edge of a building ??

Right, better do some work then… Thanks again to everyone who's donated. I'll post photos if/when they become available!!!

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