2005-09-27 : Cascading exhaustion sprinkled with a large modicum of fun.

It is *so* good to be back. Have been a bit flat out to write anything (and believe it or not, I've only checked my email like 4 times since I've been here !!), so I'll try to give a quick synopsis before popping off to bed.

Flight from Singapore was “interesting” – got sat next to a bloke who, upon the plane taking off, pulled out a Bible and started to read. This did nothing for my confidence in the pilot, so I decided to make it my business in favour of sleeping to instead see if I could upset him by finding the most offensive filsm on the inflight entertainment system and cranking the volume up and screen brightness up. Watched Sin City and Closer, but he barely batted an eyelid. Hmm, time & effort well spent.

Got to Melbourne, spent the day with Ben & Mel, saw Australia's largest laudromat and had an *awesome* pie, then hoiked it down to the airport. Thanks to a cockup at the travel agent's end I missed my flight to Adelaide, but managed to get on the next one, and soon enough was home !!

That night I went to see Gang Show, and had an awesome time. Was struggling to stay awake, having spent the last 20000 hours awake, but I really enjoyed the show and it was really really cool to see everyone. Cleverly, I went to the after party, and found my way back to Marty's place at 5am.

Friday was largely about catching up with people and preparing to go away to Victor Harbour for the weekend: lunch with Trudy, picked up a nice bottle of red, had “fun” at my bank…

Friday night we (Pat, Spiro, Alex & I) went to The Crown at Victor, grabbed a wicked schnitzel and some of the Cooper Family's finest, played some games of snooker, and generally relaxed and had a cool time.

The next day the other lads headed back up to Adelaide to prepare for Patrick's Buck's Night, however I stayed down south and headed to Strathalbyn for Ben & Weeze's wedding. It was an excellent drive, and I made it in plenty of time to catch up with Kelly, Karen, Spewen, and even have a few words with Benny D himself before his bride turned up! Ceremony was nice: girls all looked immaculate and Louise was just stunning. Can't deny it was sniggerworthy that the celebrant was sporting a mumu. Didn't get to try out my duck call, as there were actual ducks around and I didn't want to instigate some kind of Hitchcockian scenario.

Saturday night we returned to Victor for the reception, which went really well. Food was great, I got to sit with Marty & Fi and catch up with them, as well as seeing Ben, Weeze, Julie, Karen, Spewen, and everyone. A small amount of Zorba dancing was done by Benny D and I, although I had a pocket full of small change, and as it got more energetic I started spewing out coins like a pokie machine, so I elected to stop.

That'll do for starters – too tired to write more now. Will have another crack at it in the morning.

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