2005-10-28 : Sensible Question Time: Home required for one fluffy cat

Ahoyhoy… this is probably only really relevant for people in Adelaide, but here goes.

All-round top bloke & former housemate of mine Mike is moving out of the Goodwood Road Brewshack (meaning that you won't see the Celica parked in the drive any more !). The problem is, the new place he's going to doesn't allow pets.

Mike's currently looking after an awesome cat, named Lister.

Lister actually belongs to my friend Annie, who lives here in London. I offered to look after Lister when Annie moved here, then Mike took up the gauntlet when I moved here. Now we're desperately trying to find someone to give Listy a new home.

He's a totally awesome cat – Annie's description went: “He's male, adult, around 6 years old and neutered (pretty sure he is wormed & vaccinated as well). Happy to live with small dogs and kids, pretty affectionate although he can get demanding at meal times, loves to cuddle up like the big suck arse he is and he's fluffy. And cool.”. We're happy to make arrangements to cover the cost of his food & stuff, but the main thing is finding somewhere for him to live.

He's really friendly and will come up & sit on the couch with you (or not, irf you make it clear you don't want him to). He's provided us with hours of amusement watching him trying to stalk birds in the back yard: he doesn't seem to realise that having a huge fluffy tail sticking up in the air provides even the dimmest species of bird with a fairly obvious indication of your arrival. He's not completely stupid though – he figured out that Mike & I didn't communicate that closely on cat feeding issues, and worked out how to get fed 4 times a day for a while.

We'll need to have some sort of plan within the next couple of weeks. If anyone's got any sensible ideas, let me know. He's such an awesome cat – it'd be a crying shame to have to… well… you know.

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