2005-11-29 : One man went to MO….

Am on mad blog catchup detail again. Curse this tendency to not get round to things ! My email's suffering somewhat too. My Drafts folder's at an all time record of 60 messages waiting to be replied to.

ONLY 3 DAYS OF MOVEMBER LEFT ! And I can't say I'm sad to see the back of it. Still, it's been “fun”.

One thing I did wanna quickly talk about was my trip to Milton Keynes for snowboarding the other day. Wow, what an awesome way to spend your spare time. It's a bit unusual, and took quite some getting used to, but I guess half of the point of lessons is to get you used to the idea that if you move certain ways, you WILL get certain results. I'm definitely keen to go back for more, even if it's just to finish the lesson I had to bail out of.

Right, now here's the thing – if you're on your way to a snowboarding lesson, my big tip is *don't* trip over on the way to the tube station and graze your knee. Injuries sustained on a ski slope are credible, even to a small extent if it's an indoor ski slope. But nobody gives you any points if you do it because you were running to catch the tube and thought you were going to be late to lesson.

As it was, it wasn't bleeding on the way out there on the train, but once I got on the slope and started getting up onto the board from my knees (as ya do) things started getting a bit aggravated, and before you knew it there were patches of blood on the ice. As for my knee – with all that torn fabric and snow & ice & blood, it completely resembled something off a whaling documentary.

Anyway to cap off, here's an absolutely prime example of a mo sent in at the last minute yesterday by Spiro. What a bloody masterpiece !

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