2005-12-17 : Parental responsibility: Exhibit A

I'm not entirely sure whether Tim (my brother, for the uninitiated) sent me this for promotional purposes, to demonstrate that the pressure of impending fatherhood was all getting too much for him, or perhaps to indicate his next career direction… but it seemed a shame not to share what's evidently this season's look. Bunny ears in December – am liking the Biblical allusion.

Pretty exciting stuff though – Tim & Chels's brand new baby's due for arrival in 7 days !! What a cool Christmas present, eh ? I haven't established whether they're going to actually call it “Flash”, or if that's sort of the working title.

Right, well sod this sitting in the office at 7:30 on a Friday night malarkey – I'm off to Leeds for the weekend. Now, if you'll excuse me…

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