2005-12-06 : Sudowho ?
Ah, much better ! My SECOND ever sudoku took 20 mins, and not a single profanity to erase! Right, so I've clearly mastered that. Time to go discover cold fusion, or train some Bulgarian swearing whelks, or something.
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Ah, much better ! My SECOND ever sudoku took 20 mins, and not a single profanity to erase! Right, so I've clearly mastered that. Time to go discover cold fusion, or train some Bulgarian swearing whelks, or something.
Finished my first ever sudoku puzzle the other day. I started it last Wednesday, and finished it last night. Given that it was an 'easy' one, I'd of course like to explain that the reason it took so long was that I've had no time to do it. Whereas the actual reason is that I…
Heard this exchange in the Post Office the other day whilst waiting in the relentless queue from hell – Man with deep loud voice: Now, is it still the same price for stamps to send these to The Empire ? Disinterested post office pleb: Empire sir ? MWDLV: New Zealand, South Africa, places like that….
Right well that's that then ! Last night we put Movember to rest. Our initial grand master plan was to go to Rollerdisco, but maybe they'd gotten wind of it or something, because a notice went up on their website saying that Rollerdisco was cancelled for Dec 1st. So we went to the pub across…
Am on mad blog catchup detail again. Curse this tendency to not get round to things ! My email's suffering somewhat too. My Drafts folder's at an all time record of 60 messages waiting to be replied to. ONLY 3 DAYS OF MOVEMBER LEFT ! And I can't say I'm sad to see the back…
OK, so where were we ? Playing chess in a pub in Brussels, I think. A couple of things about that pub – I said it was 1920's style, which wasn't necessarily apparent from the main pub section (although I must admit I found it weird to have such a huge and cavernous room), but…
Struggling to keep my mutterings apolitical, I can't help but link to this video (courtesy of the BBC) of the Chief Executive of the Federal Government of the United Stats of America and Commander-in-Chief of its armed forces at a press conference in China. I doubt even Peter Sellers could have pulled off a move…
During the process of putting away clothes and stuff from my Belgium trip (and yes, I KNOW it was 3 weeks ago… I've been busy!), I stumbled across the item pictured to the left. It's a pat of butter, purloined from the restaurant where Wazza and J grabbed a fairly pricey but nonetheless excellent dinner…
We just had a quick discussion about ludicrous names, precipitated largely by the news that the Socceroos have gotten through to the World Cup finals by beating Uruguay (as if there's anyone who knows an Australian, who hasn't heard yet!) – Paul the Dodgy Aussie's comment on the matter was: “I've already sung the national…
Bit of commotion down by the tube station tonight – tonight was Madonna's concert at Koko to commemorate her first ever performance, 75 years ago in that very venue. There were a fair few people gathered round, but it wasn't the fevered bustle of adoring fans so much as the laconic circulation of hopeful scalpers,…