2005-11-15 : There’s nothing like a good joke.
A man goes to the zoo … When he got there, there was only a dog. … It was a shitzu.
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A man goes to the zoo … When he got there, there was only a dog. … It was a shitzu.
In between pontificating on matters I don't have a particularly educated opinion on, I also like to occasionally spew forth the minutiae of my various adventures around the place. So without further ado, I present “My weekend in Belgium“. On October 28th I set forth for Brussels – my primary goal was to catch up…
I read this story a couple of weeks ago, which whilst mainly intended to be positive in tone, needless has me a little worried (excerpt follows). [BBC News UK Edition] Man arrested over July 7 attacks A 27-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the London bomb attacks of 7 July which killed 52…
Extend your sense of self-worth by owning more stuff ! Buy one of these (relevant to mad keen die hard obscenely loaded Star Trek fanatics only). I find it somewhat hard to believe that the brains behind this don't think that the die-hard trekkies (i.e. the only group this could possibly be targeted at) who…
I got this yesterday, and I just can't stop looking at it and giggling myself silly. Maybe it was the trauma of IB Maths as a teenager. People getting the email version of this will need to visit my site to see what it is, if you're that interested.
Sent a form off for my UK tax return the other week. It was the 3rd copy of the same form that I'd sent, so needless to say this has been dragging on a while now. In an effort to guarantee it didn't get lost (again) I sent it registered mail, at great expense to…
Surprisingly enough, the first day of Movember is the clean shaven one. I probably should've mentioned this before now, but the way it works (according to the MOnifesto on www.movember.org) is you begin the MOnth clean shaven (31st Oct), then over the course of the next 32 days you grow whatever you can on your…
I was just embarking on an explanation of Movember to a work colleague, and when confronted with the question “Have you ever heard of Movember?”, his response was: “No ? Is it some sort of festival where you wear mauve for the entire month ?” He and another workmate were developing the idea into some…
Ahoyhoy… this is probably only really relevant for people in Adelaide, but here goes. All-round top bloke & former housemate of mine Mike is moving out of the Goodwood Road Brewshack (meaning that you won't see the Celica parked in the drive any more !). The problem is, the new place he's going to doesn't…
I suspect this is all getting a bit silly… I recall reporting with some amusement last Christmas about the release of a 4 bladed razor. It appears that Gillette have upped the ante a bit with the announcement of their latest product due in 2006 – the Gillette Fusion. In another dramatic step towards the…