2006-02-22 : Why the hElle didn’t anyone tElle me ?

That'd be just about bloody right…

Last night, I wandered down Brick Lane to go to February's Dorkbot meeting – always an interesting night, if only slightly (read: INCREDIBLY) geeky. On the way I wandered past a red carpet setup and a bunch of punters corralled behind a metal barrier, along with some paparazzi snapping away at some people getting out of taxis. If it had been in Leicester Square I'd probably have had a stickybeak to see who was there, but as it was dingy Brick Lane, I figured it wasn't gonna be anything major.

Good move there, dopey – it was only the Elle Magazine Style Awards… and among other irrelevant attendees was business mogul & thinking man's crumpet, Elle MacPherson !

And did I manage to realise a young boy's life dream formed in 1988 or so ? No. Because I was too busy going to a dark & cold warehouse for a bloody lecture about interactive graphics and what turned out to be an utterly confusing and directionless ramble about what some bloke had done with an RFID card reader.

I swear, I've gotta get some new priorities.

Oh yeah, I'm back from snowboarding. Report when I get the chance to fix up the photos.

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