2006-06-26 : 29 : 11 : 3 : 5

Always a privelege to buy 4 bottles of whisky on a weekend, even if you give some away as presents. In the process of trying to source a bottle of GlenGoyne however I stumbled across The Vintage House – possibly the largest single assembly of whisky I've ever been in the presence of ! Whilst there it seemed criminal not to acquire a bottle of Auchentoshan 12yo. Other acquisitions for the w/e included a Scapa 14 and a Bruichladdich 3D Moine Mhor. Cos hey, if you're gonna have a birthday, you might as well have something nice to drink.

“Is this post going to contain anything other than incessant wanking on about Whisky, Jason ?”, I hear you ask. Not really, no.

Oh alright then. As a special treat here's a picture of me in my shiny new Westminster Morris kit leaping about like a particularly motivated salmon. Holding handkerchiefs in the opposable thumbs which salmon don't have.

Oh yes, and the website appears to be working again, which you'll most likely be aware if you're reading this. Thumbs up to Graham @ the crew at Mindvision for that.

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