2007-05-17 : Such a fine line between stupid and clever

OK, so I'm so busy churning over whether to go on eBay and spend a couple of hundred quid on LiveEarth tickets (what could be my once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Britain's Loudest Rock Group, Spinal Tap, perform), that I pretty well utterly failed to devote any useful amount of brain power to the following:

I get all kinds of regular gig mailouts, and one which passed over the desk was for a concert entitled “Madcap's Last Laugh – a tribute to Syd Barrett“. The lineup looked OK… nobody I'd go out of my way to see, but a few names I recognised. The Bees, Chrissie Hynde, Captain Sensible, Andy Bell…

At the time I flirted with the idea, then decided that maybe I'd be a bit wiser with my money and not just buy a ticket on impulse.

Cue to a month later, and in my online newsfeeds I read the following headline: Floyd play at Barrett tribute. I guess in hindsight it's not totally unfeasible that Syd's old band members might turn up for a tribute, but still – Roger Waters, Dave Gilmour, Nick Mason, Rick Wright, AND Led Zeppelin's John Paul Jones ALL turning up unannounced on the same bill?

As Spiro put it after I told him: “You've probably just worked out how hard it is to actually physically kick yourself in the arse.”

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