2007-07-09 : I have HAD IT with these fucking COMPUTERS!


The saga continues. I don't use my desktop PC that often these days, cos I'm out doing stuff all the time, but this morning I thought “I know, I'll hunker down for a couple of hours & get these timesheets for June out of the way”, and what better way to do that than on my nice, fast, Vista-running, dual monitor beast of a PC (with 5.1 surround sound + kickass bass)?

OK, so I get started. Hmm, don't have Office installed yet. Better do that. OK, done. Tappity tappity tap tap tap – now am halfway through the job. Will put some tunes on. Oh yeah, this is all working. Will be finished in no time. Two thirds done now.

Wait a sec. Mouse has stopped moving. Hmm. Will wait a second and go get a coffee.

[visualise me making the best latte ever]

Hmm, still not working. Better hit the reset button. Doo dee doo doo. Uh oh. Error screen. Could not find “winload.exe”, run Windows Repair. Oh god, not NOW. >click, whirr<... Windows cannot repair this installation of Vista - file allocation table corrupt. Bollocks to this. I've totally had it with this bullshit. I'm gonna buy a Mac.

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