2007-12-26 : At vast expense to management…

This blog written on my phone and absolutely not on Richie's laptop, because he doesn't hold with all that sort of thing.

Here we are in sunny Austria – snow in every direction and us with the distinct will to slide down it. We think we've been followed by a church bell from Cologne which seems intent on ringing loudly about every 12 minutes, as well as a small angry dog who doesn't like me and the memory of a cranky German man who shouted “SHATTAP!” at Mark the other morning while he was standing in the hotel corridor hammering on Richie & Hilary's door demanding to get his jacket back, whilst in fact wearing his jacket. If you can follow that sentence, then good luck to you.

My new snowboard's stacks-o-fun & Marty, Kat, Rachel, Nick, and Mark seem to be getting the hang of the whole snowboarding thing as well. Or at least the falling down on one's arse component of it, anyway.

Must dash, there's mountains out there to be sliding down!

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