Silly fundraisers are yet another one of the things in my ever-growing list of things to be cynical about, however that’s not to say I don’t support my friends when they get involved in them.
Recently my learned colleague, expert photogtapher Matt Carty (disclaimer: I have seen photographs he’s taken of experts in the past) got involved in The World’s Greatest Shave for the Leukimia Foundation, and as he’d promised to not only shave his bonce back to bare skin but volunteered to tackle that mono-brow of his, I couldn’t help but get on board & support the cause.
The transformation into a Sacha Baron Cohen-esque spiritual guru was worth my donation to begin with, however what I dearly love about the fundraising mentality is the way you can upsell. It was for this reason that for the wholly worthwhile extra donation of $20 that Carty was prepared to have his head smothered in supermarket cheese spread (we agreed on domestically produced cheese spread, after Carty reported that he couldn’t get hold of genuine spray Cheez Wizz).

Some days you just know it’s good to be alive.
I know the event’s passed, but if this photo’s brought you nearly a fraction of the joy it’s brought me (and, judging by the look on his face, brought Carty as well), then why not swing by his virtual tin can and chuck a coin or two into it.
Matt Carty’s World’s Greatest Shave fundraising page