
Just found out from Dad that our little dog Bojangles passed away this morning back in Adelaide: something to do with diabetic complications, which we didn’t realise he had.

Bojangles (c 2005)

I was really looking forward to seeing him again at Christmas.  Depressingly stupid animal, but a real little character, scamp & scoundrel nonetheless.

We think he was a Maltese Terrier crossed with Shih Tzu (or, a Maltese Shit, as we used to explain), although there’s no real way of telling because my brother bought him off some bloke in the Trading Post out in the northern suburbs.  I can’t actually remember how old he was – it’d have to be at least 6 or 7 years – but he was definitely a much-loved part of the Standing household.


Gonna miss ya, Bobo.

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