I can’t g.et no (d.um du.m d.um du.m) s.atis………fac-s.hun,. etc

Am currently in Plymouth with my d.ear chum Kat,. and. we’re meant to be working. on our NaNoWriMo novels. – s.he’s. up to about 37000 words. already………………………. whereas. I’m on about 2000 – only a few words. s.hort,. it s.eems………..

However so.me of the more as.tute of youl will have noticed. the so.mewhat unorthodo.x punctuation that appears. in this. pos.t alread.y – for reas.ons. known only to its.elf,. my ag.ing. Tos.hitba laptop has. elected. to mete out further sp.ite upon me by rand.omly ins.erting. full s.tops. into my text as. I type it!  And. to make life more fun,. so.metimes. it j.us.t tacks. on huge. s.tring….s. of fulls.tops. if I d.on’t type another letter q.uickly enoug.h

Reward.ing.,. no?

When I s.ay “rand.om”,. I’m being. d.is.ing.enuous. – I think I’ve narrowed. it d.own to when I type an s.,……..,. a d.,. a g., and. so.metimes. a p – but not that time, ……..evid.ently

Oh yes,. and. it also. appears. the full s.top key is.n’t working…….

This. oug.ht to make the next 10 or 20 thous.and. words. j.us.t S>AIL pas.t

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