Top Ten Tuesday: Favourite comedians I’ve seen lately in alphabetical order
Andrew O’Neill: Rocker and part time union card-carrying transvestite Andrew O’Neill turned up at a benefit gig in King’s Cross recently that Dancing Dave, Housemate James & I went to. Good mix of one-liners, non-sequitirs, and generally pretty sharp material. Will definitely go check him out again I think – maybe wouldn’t put him at…

We 4 at U2
Went & saw U2 on Friday night (the other week… 14th, I think it was) out at the London Cathedral to Football: Wembley Stadium. I’d never been to a U2 gig before. I think it’s fair to say that it was massively frigging impressive. They’re not a band that I’ve ever been fanatical about, however…

The Black Stuff
Does anyone know what it is that makes a good pint of Guinness? I guess it isn’t difficult to assess a bad pint, but what categorically puts a good one over a mediocre or even average one? The question’s prompted mainly by my meeting in Dublin on Wednesday – in the cab to the airport…

Parisienne walkways. And big stacks-o-femurs.
We went to Paris in May. “We” is the trio of Bruce, Ange & myself. We didn’t all start in the same place – I started in London, and Bruce & Ange started in Agen, the part of the south of France where they live. I got to Paris before they did, so I had…

Top Ten Tuesday: Super Powers
Having super powers is just the best thing ever. Well, it would be, I guess. I’m told that I possess the actual super power of being able to innately introduce complication to journeys, and I’ve always suspected I’ve got some kind of time dilation field following me around… but for the sake of this week’s…

Top Ten Tuesday: Best gigs I’ve been to since 2000
nd to accompany the narrowing down of a broad topic into a selection of the top 10, the caveats come rolling. In this case, “gig” means a performance by a singer or band, and excludes comedy shows or musicals. Not that you’d really call musicals “gigs”. These aren’t in order of preference, incidentally – it…

Air-cooling update: FAIL!
The great air-movement debacle continues (as expected), but following some A-class verbal punishment by Cath, the building folk agreed to provide us with a proper portable air conditioner (rather than the indoor sprinkler they’d previously furnished us with). They couldn’t promise when it would arrive – perhaps the next day, or the day after that…

Become a postman – it could open all sorts of doors
Just got a call from Housemate James with some routine stuff, including following up on his question yesterday of why there hadn’t been any post for him. Apparently he’s ordered about 18 things, and was expecting them over the weekend. The worst-case scenario is of course to get one of the red “while you were…

Objectionable corners of the English language
2 phrases that thoroughly get my lexicographical hackles / heckles / feckles / schmeckles up (ignoring for a minute my favourite dead horse, the word “sorry”), are the following: “Deeply”: the problem with rampantly overenthusing or overgravatising things is that when you go to actually express what you’re feeling you suddenly feel like you’re not…