I’m still here, don’t panic.

Once again the ever present problem rears its head where there’s so much going on and so many cool things to do & people to see that there’s not time to blog about any of it.

Currently I’m sitting in Singapore’s Changi Airport trying not to spend any money, and desperately trying not to strangle the exceptionally loud little turd running around about 1.5 metres to my 5-o’clock.  You’d think he’d be tired by now, given how long he’s been doing that.  I assure you, it’s not the case.

So anyway, the big news is that I’ve just had a week back in sunny Adelaide in order to participate in the wedding of Nicko & Kelly, which went off – as they say – without a hitch.  Well, obviously they got hitched: that was sort of the plan.  But no complications, I mean.

Hopefully I’ll get a moment to myself to recap on all the ludicrous behaviour of the past month or so soon, and thus provide all you wonderful audients with the entertainment you duly deserve.

Assuming I don’t strangle this little fucker and get banged up for 15 years.

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