LondonEating & DrinkingRestaurantsMexican

If you’re in the St Martin’s Lane area and are in the mood to grab a quick bite, you could do a lot worse than pop in at Mas Burritos. London seems to be in the grip of a burrito store invasion at the moment, and quite rightly so! When prepared correctly the burrito is the Prince of bread-wrapped snack foods.

The critical things to look for in a burrito are quality/taste of ingredients, and “slop factor”: Mas Burritos does a respectable job in the taste stakes, and is only slightly too runny in terms of consistency. This is critical – especially for the takeaway burrito – as too much liquid in the mix means a high chance of hull breach towards the end of the experience, leaving the eater with a hand/sleeve full of sauce.

The other slightly odd thing about Mas Burritos is that there’s only one table for 4 available, and yet every time I’ve been in I’m always asked “Eat in or take away?” irrespective of whether the place is at capacity or not.

Solidly safe middle ground on London’s Burrito leaderboard.

Check out my review of Mas Burritos – I am mrfrisky – on Qype

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