Genetic talent – you know you got it (aka “Blurred Lions”)

Lately the concept of the passing on of family characteristics either by nature or nurture has been very much on my mind.

Avid readers of this blog might remember a rather splendid photograph I took of some lions when Liz & I were at a lion park outside Johannesburg last year.  In itself, the capturing & composition of such a powerful and memorable image is impressive – even looking at it now makes me wonder about the career choices I’ve made in life, and what might have been.


Well.  A couple of weeks ago I was delighted to take my 8 year old nephew for a trip to Monarto Zoo and being an Awesome Uncle I appointed him with the solemn duty of Chief Photographic Officer for the day.  Upon flicking through the shots afterwards I was very impressed at what he’d observed: some characterful work, mostly made trickier by the fact that he was shooting through the window of a sometimes-moving bus.

And then there it was – his picture of the lion!


It’s a gift, and I could NOT be prouder.

The rest of the photos are here:

[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157647062470134″ items=”50″ thumbnail_size=”small”]


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