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Larry B. Standing
Crisps of the UK (& environs)
Global crisp network
Whisky Nerds and their terrifying birds
Anatomy of a walk to work
2006-11-16 : Anatomy of a walk to the bus stop
The Ticket Thing
Can’t imagine these guys have had much work since 1830.
from Instagram:
Can’t imagine these guys have had much work since 1830.
This Spanish pharmacy endorsed by Tywin Lannister.
Quite an economical stacking of pop culture references there.
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Yesterday's #dogwalkingdram – I've no idea what it was, tbh. A rando sample bottle that someone wrote "MAST." on the top of. Tasted cognacy. I think. Any ideas, anyone? Recognise the handwriting? Larry didn't seem to let it affect him. #mystery #larrybstanding
I was Today Years Old when I learned that a place existed in England called Nempnett Thrubwell. Sounds like someone who invented an early version of the self-adhesive postage stamp, or something.
Hello little froggy I just found hiding under our outdoor table cover that I should have folded up and put away in the shed a couple of months ago.
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