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Larry B. Standing
Crisps of the UK (& environs)
Global crisp network
Whisky Nerds and their terrifying birds
Anatomy of a walk to work
2006-11-16 : Anatomy of a walk to the bus stop
The Ticket Thing
Crap! Can't believe we didn't open the #icedvovos
Crap! Can't believe we didn't open the #icedvovos
#AustraliaDay feast – some prawns, a bottle of plonk, and a home made snot block. #straya #australiansallletusrejoice #decadence
Aww, why do dogs get all the best stuff? #mmmmbovinewindpipe
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Caption contest time. #larrybstanding #dog #rooster #large #impressive #imposing #moist #hashtag
(Bam a lam)
"But there's been a change! They broke the vessel with the pestle!" #lifecouldnotbetterbe #doyouwanttoseethepurplepimpernel
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