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Larry B. Standing
Crisps of the UK (& environs)
Global crisp network
Whisky Nerds and their terrifying birds
Anatomy of a walk to work
2006-11-16 : Anatomy of a walk to the bus stop
The Ticket Thing
Scarcely bears thinking about.
Scarcely bears thinking about.
Anyone got any idea what game this is, so we can look up the rules?
Curious branding decision… #freshness #jizbagsinsrilanka
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Sorry vegans…Everyone else – I INSIST you go out now and buy a copy of @marcuswareing 's Everyday Marcus, turn to p132, and make yourself Roast Chicken Leg with Tarragon and Cucumber&Cashew Salad. It is an act of culinary self'-love. #tarragon #omnomnom #happiness #umbrellas #etc
Goodie goodie yum yum. #timbrooketaylor #graemegarden #billoddie #legends
#MinnieBStanding channelling her inner Nigel Tufnel today… #medicallyaccurate #andohowtheydanced #iwantlargebread #eleven
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