People who’ve known me a while will know that I’m a bit of a fan of a cheesy souvenir teatowel, and some of you may also be up to speed with my feelings on Brexit. So when the Conservative Party announced that they were celebrating “Getting Brexit Done” with a range of commemorative items including mugs and teatowels, I more or less had no choice but to order one – if only to have something to wear around my face when the looting starts.

Ludicrously awful, isn’t it?

Anyway, having put the order in in mid January I received a confirmation saying that orders were being prepared and mine would ship about 2 weeks later, on the week commencing February 10th.

February 10th came and went, and though it was hardly the most pressing matter in my life by Feb 22nd I was wondering what had happened to my teatowel. So to that end I emailed and asked as much – pausing only to take the opportunity to make a wry political joke on Facebook along the way…

Having received their response a couple of days later, I’m unsure how to feel about it.

Dear Jason,

Thanks for your purchase. We started dispatching our Brexit range last week, but my sincere apologies your package has not yet been sent. Our tea towels are made by a small team in Suffolk which have unfortunately been slowed by illness causing a knock-on effect in our dispatch rate. I hope to have your complete order dispatched in the next few days.

My apologies again for it taking longer than we hoped.

And then there’s a picture of a team of hard working grannies, diligently making teatowels.

I mean – it’s not as if the Conservative Party would have any way to connect with anyone who could help out with logistics or labour in order to meet an undertaking they’d made, is it.

UPDATE: It’s arrived now. But honestly, who gives a shit?

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