So to round out a trio of food posts, tonight we dipped into the @marcuswareing catalogue again for Curry Spiced Salmon with seeded pumpkin salad, and I hadn't realised quite how many seeds were involved. It was utterly delicious, but I'm now worried about being stalked by the massive pigeon that frequents our yard. When he's done with that bird-feeder, I now fear we're next. #fatpigeon #thebirds #seedy
So to round out a trio of food posts, tonight we dipped into the @marcuswareing catalogue again for Curry Spiced Salmon with seeded pumpkin salad, and I hadn't realised quite how many seeds were involved. It was utterly delicious, but I'm now worried about being stalked by the massive pigeon that frequents our yard. When he's done with that bird-feeder, I now fear we're next. #fatpigeon #thebirds #seedy