(I bet you didn’t even notice it was missing…)
Some while back I wrote a thing so that it was possible to look at all my old gig tickets. Because for reasons I can’t fully explain in an acceptable timeframe, I have the ticket to EVERY GIG I’VE EVER BEEN TO scanned and stored in this here blog. But, WordPress is a shit way to interact with that sort of thing and I needed an excuse to learn some VueJS. So, The Ticket Thing was born.
You can click on the type of gig, the date, the artist or the venue to filter the list down by those things, in case you’re interested to know what gigs I went to in 2022 or how many times I’ve seen Robert Plant. And there’s some dropdown menus at the top to skim through the list easier.
There’s a bit more about it on github if you’re interested.