It’s Not A Runner Bean
Not so much a series of short stories, as a collection of recollections between 1 and 4 pages long – from the author the then-slightly-successful South London comedian, Mark Steel. In the nearly 30 years since the book’s publication he’s continued ploughing his comedic furrow but stayed true enough to his roots that these stories…

Butterfly Brain
This book of memoirs felt like Barry Cryer didn’t really want to write it – but I’m really glad he did, and loved every moment of it. It’s a bit biased – I’d read a shopping list if I knew Baz had written it. The ONLY thing I didn’t love about this book is that…

Him Off the Viz
As autobiographies go, it was fine. The story of the genesis and the quirks/behind-the-scnes stuff of Viz magazine were great, and I suppose in a way it was slightly comforting to be reading the story of a fairly ordinary chap who carved out a career pratting about with his mates – with the warts &…