2004-03-11 : Honk honk !
Those conquistadors of funk, Goose, have fairly recently re-rolled their website, so I thought I'd mention it here ! Check it out – they're not shite !
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Those conquistadors of funk, Goose, have fairly recently re-rolled their website, so I thought I'd mention it here ! Check it out – they're not shite !
You've all got Richie to thank for spotting this story: “Birdwatchers from all over Britain who gathered in Grimsby to catch sight of a rare American robin were horrified to see her eaten by a passing sparrowhawk.” Good to see the BBC covering the important issues. Not so encouraging to see that they're using Power…
I'm a little unsure what I should title this post really. I'm thinking either “Oh god, this is hopeless”, or “I have the navigational skills of a sock puppet”. Saturday signified my first public dance-out with the Morris side. Mike & I mosied down to Mundulla (it's near Bordertown, and I've got no idea how…
I just had a quick look back through some posts, and it struck me that on first glance, to someone who didn't know any better, one would think I complained a lot… I mused on this briefly, before coming to a conclusion. I don't think of it as “whinging”, per se. To me, a lot…
I had some Spurkey In Albuquerque. It was all murky Because the fridge didn't worky.
All of a sudden I feel like I'm running a slide night…? Nevermind, here goes: The airplane which I flew from Brisbane to Hevey Bay in. I don't mind *small* aircraft, and big ones are fine too. But this intermediary size really weirds me out to be on! Upon catching up with Jamie, the first…
Now, I was going to upload the photos for this, but it appears that in my rush to get to work (being the deadline-aware, dedicated employee that I am !), I left my digital camera at home… However I know how you all eagerly check my page for something new to read, so I'll put…
This'll entertain your socks off. We've got a servo next door to work, and occasionally we nip over there for some food substitute. The other day I was perusing the refreshing beverages in their fridge (which usually results in the purchase of a Classic Mocha anyway), however this time I spied something unfamiliar. Schweppes have…
It's always weird visiting a house you moved out of… Not that I suppose I've visited many of them after moving out, and Mum & Dad's place doesn't *really* count. But anyway, last night I went out to the Batchelor Pad Royale at Mawson Lakes to catch up with Bushy, Nuddley, and the other chaps….
Ooooooh boy, what a fearsome visage greeted me this morning on my way down Goodwood Road… Typically I'm mentally prepared for the cavalcade of halfwits and bad drivers that assail me on my morning trip from Clarence Park to Rose Park. This morning however, the approach to Wayville Showgrounds was slower than usual. A single…