Raising one’s kitchen game – turns out the key is what you’re Wareing
I’ve always enjoyed cooking – it’s how I was able to negotiate my first tentative movement out of Mum & Dad’s house, through lodging at my cousin’s place in her spare room in exchange for being her live-in chef (primarily on the strength of the mashed potatoes I made during the “interview”). Exotic stirfries on…

Network? Simple!
Warning: extremely interesting and captivating blog post ahead. I posed a question to some nerdy computery mates about the use of Ethernet over Powerlines, and one of them made a comment “I’ve always been confused about the complexity of your home network setup”… to which I thought “It’s not THAT complicated?!”. My computer, the linux…

What a difference 5 years and a lockdown makes…
Never had a proper beard before… not 100% sure about it. Someone the other day said I looked like Christopher Lee from Lord of the Rings. I think I need to put some text underneath the image, or this thing loses its shit and doesn’t know how to render the image properly.