More lists, innit.
The main thing 2023 taught me was that having a newborn in the house changes your life in ways you can’t comprehend in advance. Similarly, you might think 4 months off work for paternity leave might afford a little extra reading time, perhaps? But that’d be naively ignoring your near-total inability to concentrate due to…

Who Owns History? Elgin’s Loot and the Case for Returning Plundered Treasure
Geoffrey Robertson here dissecting the matter of the Elgin Marbles – their ownership, the truths and myths surrounding the British Museum’s claim on them, and a wider exploration of the matter of cultural properties appropriated by other countries through a variety of means. Setting out the case that it’s possible to work out where these…

(Subtitle: “How Russians, the Rich and the Government Try to Prevent Free Speech and How to Stop Them”) This may well have been my first Audiobook, bought partially for cost reasons but also as it was read by the author. It was an illustrated description of the sorts of legal techniques that malfeasants use to…

How They Broke Britain
Taking a moment out of trying to get people to justify their opinions on radio, James O’Brien has assembled an excellent if not totally depressing case outlining how a handful of key individuals colluded, conspired, and/or coincided to take Britain from the 2008 Financial Crisis-handling days of Gordon Brown through to where we currently are,…

Wifi Conundrum – sensible answers only please…
So, a few years back we bought a Ring video doorbell – and despite the early promise of Great Things the reality has been that the whole thing’s a bit pants. Ever the masochist, I decided to figure out what the problem was and then come up with a gameplan to make it better. From…