Sunny Adelaide, here we come. “We”, being “me”, that is. Here me comes. There goes I. Etc.

Afternoon all! As December hovers into view, so too does my trip back to Adelaide,  Melbourne & Canberra.  If you’d like to catch up, can you send me a facebook message, an email, a message through the Contact Me form, a text message, etc.  & we can work out a time/date/place! Adelaide: Dec 12, (busy…

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A further 15 seconds – should have about 14 minutes and 7 seconds left, according to popular belief

There’s not much more to this than blatant self-promotion – the other week our morris dancing team (that would be The Westminster Morris Men, in case this wasn’t yet abundantly clear) was filmed as part of an ITV News piece to promote the upcoming premiere of the new film, “Morris: A Life With Bells On“. …

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