This will be quick because there is a queue behind me in the net cafe and also I have no idea where the apostrophe is found on this crazy keyboard. Happy New Year to all – thanks for all the
2007-12-27 : Oh and incidentally…
FROHE WEIHNACHTEN! At this juncture I'm counting on that being an accurate translation of “Merry Christmas” – Google Language Tools doesn't often lark about with that kind of thing, so I'm reasonably certain they haven't given me the phrase for
2007-12-26 : At vast expense to management…
This blog written on my phone and absolutely not on Richie's laptop, because he doesn't hold with all that sort of thing. Here we are in sunny Austria – snow in every direction and us with the distinct will to
2007-12-21 : Oh dear. It appears to be late December already.
Yes well as you'd expect my blogging performance of late has been nothing short of woeful – this has been the most spartan year yet, and I put it down to a combination of old fashioned laziness and having loads
2007-12-11 : No LZ
Grr. This sucks. Led Zeppelin are playing at the O2 Dome Centre Tent Thing, and I'm not going. As a form of protest for having not been awarded a ticket in the ballot, I've not listened to a Led Zeppelin
2007-12-06 : Audience participation: revisiting heights of daftness.
For reasons which I'm not 100% clear on, the other day I found myself wondering what the dumbest thing I've ever done was. There's definitely got to be SOMETHING which stands out head & shoulders above all the other fairly
2007-12-06 : Aaaaaaaaaargh! Making a list, checking it twice, then ripping your face off with evil tentacles.
From BoingBoing. Although come on… the Christmas Octopus? Everybody knows it doesn't exist. That's just a story told to kids so they don't learn the truth, about the Christmas Snail and the Easter Moose.
2007-12-05 : My skill with maps strikes again. I am definitely no spatial entrepreneur!
Hmm, seems there's some things I need to know about this Google Maps malarkey before I embrace it as a full feature of my website. Please, if you happen to know anything about the minutiae of this, pipe up! To
2007-12-03 : Cue the music, crank up the animatronic octopus in the top hat…
The mood here at Humpy Towers has been very much one of celebration of late, for 2.5 reasons: 1) Last Thursday I had my “interview” with the Home Office to extend my UK visa, and as Paul correctly forecasted it
2007-11-29 : Nothing more lonesome, morbid, or drear, than to stand in the bar of the pubs around here.
It's good to see that shite service knows no class boundaries around here – you try to get on with life without causing too much of a fuss, but things just keep happening which cause you to scratch your head