In the kitchen at work somebody's just put up a flyer for “Work Your Proper Hours Day” – the philosophy behind it is that they're encouraging everyone on February 24th to actually work their proper hours, rather than cutting their
2006-02-04 : Good god, where’d that year go ?
So I guess this'll be my last ever blog from 51 Mornington Street, Camden Town, NW1 7QB – laregly on account of how I move out tomorrow morning. Now's not the time for retrospectives and soforth – I'll get to
2006-02-02 : Is there a Doctor in the house ? There could be…
This country just gets harder and harder to consider leaving, I tells ya ! Thanks to the innovative folk at BT, no longer are text messages purely the province of the technorati-mobile-phone-possessing-set ! Now luddites with just their home phones
2006-02-02 : Tolerance & understanding.
Bloody hell, touched a nerve there I think ! However in my haste to pontificate I forgot three other key subgroups… Pushers: Pushers are primarily an above-ground phenomenon, and one which gets my blood boiling every time. They're the ones
2006-02-01 : Rock & roll
Almost forgot. I've been meaning to send this for a few weeks now, but anyway: in one of the lifts out of the Mornington Crescent tube station they've got a (somewhat dated) poster advertising a holiday show that was on
2006-01-30 : If I had a hammer…
Tolerance is a beautiful and commendable thing. There should be more of it – if there were I’m sure the world would be a better place. However we’re never going to reach such an ideal & placid utopian existence so
2006-01-26 : Looping head – wall interface
Ever had one of those days where you think it would have been better just to stay in bed ? Well I can't really spend too long on that, because that's exactly what I did yesterday. So today proves that
2006-01-23 : Sonorous significance
It's been a reasonably long-held belief of mine that life could be more interesting if we had our own soundtracks. I recall being castigated by my future ex-girlfriend at one point for attempting this experiment by the use of a
2006-01-20 : Arrrrrrrrrr! Thar she blows !
Everyone loves a whale story. Just spotted by Paul, my ever resourceful & observant Team Leader at work. For some reason, a 20 foot pilot whale has swum into the Thames, and was seen swimming past the Houses of Parliament
2006-01-18 : Captain Astute has entered the building
Went down to Camden Market the other day to show Ben & Sarah all the weird stuff down there… As a departure from the “normal” route, I thought we'd nip up & have a look at the completely awesome gallery