2004-04-29 : Important world knowledge
Now isn't this just the most dandy little web resource, eh ?
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Now isn't this just the most dandy little web resource, eh ?
Just to prove I don’t always take forever and a day to post what it is I’ve been up to, here’s a story of my last hour or so. I dropped in at the Goodwood Road Bruhaus to collect some of my things, and Mike mentioned in passing that the washing machine was stuffed. This…
Crikey, that week flew past fairly quickly…! Also, my apologies for the lack of photos in this fairly lengthy post – I've just shifted my site to a new server and I haven't quite ironed all the bugs out yet. This also explains the slightly abnormal number of backslashes in some of the paragraphs. I…
Oooooooooooooh boy, what a weekend that turned out to be ! There's a good chance that anyone reading this will already know this, but for the sake of accurate historical documentation, etc. – this weekend just gone was my farewell party. And by that, I do mean the entire weekend. My logic at the time…
Now by no means is this an offical statement based on survey or statistics, nor should it be taken as authoratative, but I've got to say – based on the number of people I've talked to about this, I find it quite widely accepted that our city's newspaper (and we've only really got one) is…
I've had 3 emails this morning about this particular topic, and I feel I should clear the matter up. While I admire him for his skill and inginuety, the individual in the photo below, despite what similarities in appearance or behavioural tendency you can pick, is not me. Chief among these reasons are that:1) I've…
As this site is kept on one of our development servers at the office, and today we switched over to a new ADSL connection, some of you may have experienced some hassles accessing it. Apparently the DNS records will take another couple of days to update with the new IP numbers, so I've managed to…
OK, so now on to Sunday and Athalie and Brett's wedding. A slightly different setup this time – the ceremony was outside of the Old Government House at Belair National Park. And thankfully, an improvement in the weather. The first thing that struck me was that I barely knew anyone at the wedding, aside from…
So this weekend was the Easter of the Wedding. Rather than hiding chocolate eggs, or sleeping in some bizarre location on a hike team, I spent this year's Easter at weddings for 2 of my favourite girls – Lineke and Athalie. I don't usually get all gushy at the idea of describing weddings, but maybe…
I started typing this out the other night and then Internet Exploder decided to unceremoniously crash, so now I'm even further from being in the mood to type it again. Thursday was a fairly important turning point – I put in my letter at work announcing my intention to move to the UK. I've got…