You can pick anything off this shelf… between these books and these teddy bears, but not the pencils.

Like many people in London, I’m signed up to various “daily deals” provider emails.  Generally they’re a thinly-veiled way to squeeze money out of people by offering discounts on implausibly priced products, however every now & again something drifts by that’s reasonable or fits within a plan that was already happening anyway. The deal to…

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Take two of these, and one of these, and one of these… and all of these…

When you feel a cold coming on you hit it with vitamins, right? Everyone knows that! Feeling the unwelcome presence of a cold announcing itself, I went out to [a British chemist chain] and procured the cold-busting trifecta of Berocca, Echinacea and Ginseng.  Berocca because it’s packed with vitamins including C, and that’s widely established…

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Advertising WTF: they might as well belt us around the head with planks and shout “YOU ARE DUMB. BUY OUR STUFF.”

Just a quick bit of morning incredulousness today – whilst half-listening to the radio (Five Live, for reasons to be explained separately) an ad came on featuring a made-up scene where one man is describing to his friend the benefits of owning the new Volkswagen Transporter.  One of the supposed benefits of the new model,…

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