The 10 Day Album Challenge

(Is it wrong to rip off and repost your own Facebook content?) During Corona lockdown the “challenge” has gone around as a sign of our times to post the covers of 10 albums that had a significant impact on you, with no explanation. So I wilfully didn’t comply, as follows: Day 1 About a week…

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While surfing about and reading a bit about task estimation, I stumbled on a couple of things in Wikipedia which gave me pause for thought – you could arguably dismiss them as baseless aphorisms, but for the qualifications of the sources. The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of…

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The Fast & The Spurious

In the creeping march of reality catching up to Science Fiction (specifically, in this case, see the “Nosedive” episode of Black Mirror) I was… well, conflicted isn’t the right word…. maybe “given pause for thought” about a private hire taxi rating. A couple of months back m’chum Jules and I used her phone app to…

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