Isn’t the label “vintage” a little…
Isn’t the label “vintage” a little disingenuous for a twat accessory that only sprang up 18 months ago?
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Isn’t the label “vintage” a little disingenuous for a twat accessory that only sprang up 18 months ago?
Fair point. But it makes you want to ring it more…
Could this be the best headline EVAR? (although it links to the Sunday Sport)
I think I’ve bought the stupidest piece of Argos “furniture” yet. Why on earth would I persist with this shit? Perhaps it’s because from the product shot it’s not 100% obvious that the corner posts are 4-sectioned HOLLOW PLASTIC TUBES! Utte…
Finally! A UK TV appearance by yours truly which doesn’t involve that damn dick documentary! (also features Liz, Kat, and that cad Timothy Minchin)