The Other Guys
How in the hell had I not heard of this before? Adam McKay directing Will Ferrell and an excellent ensemble with all the trademark stupidity of situation and dialogue. Inane, and wonderful. 👍👍
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How in the hell had I not heard of this before? Adam McKay directing Will Ferrell and an excellent ensemble with all the trademark stupidity of situation and dialogue. Inane, and wonderful. 👍👍
Oddball buddy setup with Kevin Hart (former highschool sports hero who became an accountant) and Dwayne Johnson (former overweight dweeb who became The Rock, and works for the CIA). I love a film that barefacedly walks in to a stupid premise. This one did just that, and now I think of it had BOTH a…
I couldn’t BELIEVE that the original Zombieland film was 10 years old – hell of a long wait for a seemingly inconsequential sequel, and while it’s true this film isn’t going to change lives, it IS a wonderful & fun extension of the kickass story from the first film. I love Woody Harrelson embracing playing…
MASTERPIECE. Liz was convinced we’d already seen this, but as it didn’t appear in my Media Roundups anywhere it’s clear that there’s NO WAY I could have already seen it. Even despite how familiar lots of bits in it were. But in any case, Samuel L. Jackson & Ryan Reynolds having an amazing time in…
Can’t believe I hadn’t seen this – and I think it unlocked a bit more of an understanding for me about why people are so interested in Sandra Bullock. I’d always found her a bit beige as an actor, however this role highlighted Bullock as an actor with quite the sense of humour. And as…
Is it dystopian, or COULD IT ACTUALLY BE HAPPENING? Ultra rich people pay vast sums of money to hunt live poor people for sport: instantly goes a little “Hunger Games”, with shades of familiarity due to its supposed setting. There were a few decent pull-backs as the situation changes and you find yourself thinking “How…
This is possibly cinema’s new low-point. I’m weirdly defensive of the work of Sacha Baron Cohen, believing him to be a far more intelligent social commentator and exposer of peoples’ prejudices than a perfunctory skim of his work would suggest… however this was just bollocks. Why Mark Strong would agree to a film like this…
OH MY GOD. This turd of a film was the sequel that nobody needed. Like millions of people, I was captivated by Ang Lee’s 2000 martial arts masterpiece, and so held disproportionately high hopes for this film… albeit with a skeptical eye, based on the fact I’d never heard anyone talk about it. I’m going…
We weren’t really paying attention in this – it’s got The Rock, but he’s playing a sort-of-bad-guy (as you’re constantly reminded by the prosthetic scars) on a revenge mission: it makes a tilt at moral ambiguity but you never really get there, and in the end I think we only let it finish because we…
No, we’re NOT obsessed with The Rock. We can stop watching his films any time we want… no, YOU’RE crying. etc. So, this one’s BASED ON A TRUE STORY (credible), where an ex-marine goes back to his hometown but doesn’t wanna get involved in the shenanigans at the casino, gets himself elected sheriff following a…