Blade Runner – The Final Cut

    I’ve got a bit of a funny relationship with this film. I *know* intellectually it’s the sort of thing that a nerd of my pedigree ought to love/live & be able to quote backwards. However I’d only ever watched it all the way through once before, when a cinephile friend in Australia gave me one of his treasured 2 tickets to see 1992’s “The Director’s Cut”, and for reasons I don’t now recall I fell asleep during the screening and missed most of it[i] I also fell asleep during 2017’s sequel, Blade Runner 2049 – though that was an 11pm screening so less surprising… .  This screening was again at the IMAX, and was the digital restoration version of 2007’s “The Final Cut”. And, I’m delighted to report I STAYED AWAKE!  There’s something glorious about seeing a film presented with that much on-screen detail on a screen that size: total feast for the senses, and I definitely came out of it wondering HOW I’d fallen asleep in it the first time, and totally rapt in the experience.  I’ll never forget that opportunity [ii]rather embarrassingly, I just spotted in my ticket collection that I’d actually seen The Final Cut of Blade Runner in 2010 at the National Film Theatre, and clearly had no recollection … Continue reading – thanks Sam[iii] Somewhat ironically, Sam was also the name of the aforementioned friend in the 1992 story !


    i I also fell asleep during 2017’s sequel, Blade Runner 2049 – though that was an 11pm screening so less surprising…
    ii rather embarrassingly, I just spotted in my ticket collection that I’d actually seen The Final Cut of Blade Runner in 2010 at the National Film Theatre, and clearly had no recollection whatsoever of having done so.
    iii Somewhat ironically, Sam was also the name of the aforementioned friend in the 1992 story
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